Pan Gai Noon Begins with a Simple Secret

Pan Gai Noon is a Chinese Martial Arts which means ‘half hard/ half soft.’ The art is old  with a difficult to trace lineage.PGN was transplanted into Japan where it has become known as Uechi ryu, and has had impact on all Okinawan and Japanese styles of martial arts.

There are three specific kata, or forms, in PGN. Thethe names of these kata are Sanchin, Seisan, and Sanseirui. Each form has a specific and unique purpose.

The purpose of Sanchin is to generate power. A student is taught to sink his weight in his stance, and walk, and perform three simple, yet difficult to understand movements. These three movements are the basis of the art, and the secret of Pan Gai Noon power.

in the first movement one does a thrust of the hands. This movement is done twice through the form, once low and low and once high, and it represents a simple explosion on a straight line. Done with too much force and this move will give one whiplash–done gently and mental ability and intention begin to blossom.

karate chi power

Creating the Sphere of Chi Eneregy

The second movement in Sanchin is a circular blocking movement of the hands. You begin this movement by holding the hands, palm upward, in middle blocks. You then make a horizontal circle of the hands which ends with a slightly angled spear hand thrust.

The third and last movement takes place at the end of the form. You simple execute simultaneous palm blocks, low and face high. You then circle the hands in a vertical fashion, then thrust the palms forward as if you are pushing great weight.

Now, if you have done this kata, especially in an older version that hasn’t been translated into a breathing exercise or some such, then you understand what I am talking about. What most people don’t understand is the simple geometry behind these moves. Most people don’t understand that these moves create a sphere with a line through it.

That’s right, the three movements of Sanchin, the first form of Pan Gai Noon,  describe the X, Y, and Z of a sphere. The three movements define geometry of a globe. A sphere of energy, held in the hands of a martial artist, which can absorb all attacks, and yet offer an attack of devastating power.

This simple secret of geometry is behind the first form of Pan Gai Noon. This is the power that a student works on by repeating sanchin endlessly. This is the power behind the art of Pan Gai Noon, and it will be used with great precision in later forms.

uechi ryu


One Response to Pan Gai Noon Begins with a Simple Secret

  1. Excellent! How can I begin learning panga noon Kung fu?

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