Car Crash Karate…and I Thought I was Studying the True MArtial Art!

I thought I was studying Karate, but I really wasn’t. I was just breaking my body down, one punch at a time, and getting little benefit. Check out the video, then I’ll tell you how I broke through to real Karate.

I read stories of the old masters, and I wondered why I was totally flattened out, why I was in a plateau that never ended.
Eventually, I started getting headaches with every punch I threw. I’d throw a gentle punch so I could work out, but if I ever threw a hard punch…whamo! Instant migraine.
Don’t get me wrong, I was learning, learning all sorts of stuff, but I wasn’t making the big break through that the masters of legends made.
Finally, having had enough of the headache punches, I thought of my instructor. He had made the breakthrough, yet he wasn’t a huge blast of power, he was gnelte, and polite, and modest, and humble, and…hmmm.
So I thought about Karate, and something my instructor said…A tight fist is a heavy fist.
And the light went on.
I had been striking with all my power, tensing my whole body, exploding massive amounts of energy. He was like a noodle, flicking little jolts that incapacitated.
So I started putting my whole body in position, but tightening only the fist. Whole billboards of lights went on.
By tensing the whole body it was like I was crashing a car into a wall, again and again. But one doesn’t break down the wall of the mind, one slips through the chinks and comes out the other side.
Mind you, it wasn’t the snap of kenpo punches, it was the whole body of karate, but the body didn’t tense, it just lined up behind the fist.
The idea that Karate, or any martial art, is nothing more than a blast of energy and power and all that…is totally and utterly false.
I lost my headaches, I discovered ways of rolling power through my tan tien and snapping it. It was more shaolin than karate, but it was really just true karate, the karate that the masters of old, who had had more direct connection to shaolin, had practiced.
It was more tai chi chuan than karate, but it was really just true Karate.
It was so many things. It was energy made liquid, energy pulsed, energy gentle…there was so much potential here it is almost overwhelming.
It was more than body…it was an energy body that I lived in. Drop on by Learn Karate Online and sample a free lesson. Sample it carefully, because you’ll notice that I don’t move hard and fast, I move deliberately and with awareness. True Karate, and it is not longer a car crash.

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