Tag Archives: karate DVD

Matrix Karate is a Martial Arts…and It Is Not

Many people back off from Matrix Karate. They think it is a watered down Karate, or a baby art, or something like that.

Fact, it is not watered down, it is intensified…because it is pure. Toss out the influences of the other arts, and you have one of the deadliest arts possible.

Fact, while there is a fighting art in the course, the true thrust of the material is towards presenting a method for analyzing all arts.

You see, you can make any art pure, and make any art deadly, if you toss out all the bushwah, poser crap and concentrate on distilling motion into the most logical format possible.

Yes, there is Karate, but Matrix refers to a mathematical grid which you use to plot all motion.

Thus, you can use the matrix on any art, make any art pure, and, BTW, ten times easier to learn.

Think about it this way…if you wanted to direct a fellow to a specific restaurant in New York, would you have him memorize a painting? Or would you write specific directions having to do with the exact streets he has to take to get there?

The fellow who is learning the martial arts today is memorizing paintings. The Matrixer is learning explicit directions which are exact and precise.

Check out Monster Martial Arts if you want to learn more about how to Matrix Martial Arts.




Here’s a Xmas Gift for Karate Students!

Karate people are the best peoplein the world. Really love ’em. So here’s the deal.

On my site (Monster Martial Arts)  pick out any course you want.

Let’s say the price is $29.95. You go to paypal and send me (aganzul@gmail.com) $24.95. Then email me as to which course you want.

Any course you want. Actually, you could do this for a bunch of courses. It’s that kind of Xmas, you know?

And, now that I’m talking, I want to explain what hanakwanmass is.


I don’t care what religion you are, or what color skin you’re wearing, or whatever. We’re all human beings under the flesh, and if you have a holiday, I share your joy. No matter what holiday. That’s the meaning of hanakwanmass.

So head over to Monster Martial Arts, pick up the free ebook, find a course to save five bucks on, and…

