Category Archives: Tae Kwon Do

Win #23–Karate as a First Martial Art

I like Karate as a first art because it is solid in the basics. Later, when you have experience, it’s fun to twist the basics, create different types of energy, learn sneaky ways of bashing somebody. But, in the beginning, Karate is the best. Straightforward power that can out kick a donkey, out slam a gorilla, and is just plain fun!

If I had not learned this as my first art, I would not be where am today. The basics, the foundation; a solid point upon which to stand, was essential to me as a martial artist. Few people truly understand what the basics are, let alone how important they are. Karate taught me all of this and I finished the program with confidence that I could apply what I had learned.

It’s true that people don’t understand what basics are. Take a look at the Pan Gai Noon Sanchin form. Goku does it for breathing, Shotokan does it for technique, uechi does it for dynamic tension…and they all are only partially right. Ground the weight, turn on the tan tien, and put the energy in the hands. The other theories are all right, but they miss the boat if they don’t concentrate on these three principles, and just these three principles.

Here’s a vid snip of me teaching Sanchin to my son many years ago. Karate was his first martial art, and it saved his life. Literally. Take a look at the columns at Monster Martial Arts and you’ll come across the tale.

Talk to you later.


Win #16–The Deep, Dark, Karate Secret

When I began the martial arts I thought there was some serious karate secret that the masters knew that nobody else did. If I could only find this secret I could have everything wanted: money, women, respect…maybe I wouldn’t even be a dweeb. Interestingly, there is a secret, but it ain’t what you think. And it is easy to find out. Just a little hard work and common sense, and anyone can have it. Here’s a win from one of my students about this dark mystery. Like many others, I used to like to believe that there was a great mystery out there; that there was some kind of unattainable power and wisdom that I could only reach for in my dreams. Mr. Case has taken my wonderful dark mystery away and replaced it with facts that work; that work beautifully actually. Truth is a good thing, but sometimes a rude awakening can be best avoided by a longer slumber. Which path you choose is up to you. Just remember to shield your eyes if you’re opening them for the first time; it can be bright and painful to the pride at first.” ?HH (12 years of martial arts experience) Now isn’t that interesting? It seems that the mystery is easy to understand, but what is hard to take is the fact that you were blind enough not to see it in the first place. Well, it is easy to see, but the thing that stops most everybody from seeing it is the fact that: 1) they think they know better. 2) my art is best. 3) I’m already studying under somebody who knows everything. And so on. The prime problem here, you see, is that you must be willing to learn before you can learn. Doing push ups and forms until you sweat is fine, but when are you going to work out that brain? When are you going to say…maybe I don’t know everything…maybe there is something else under the sun. When are you going to open up and accept data and actually think. I know it sounds like I’m in your face, but I’m not. I’m just stating something that scares most people. Shut up thinking you know everything and be willing to learn something. That’s the truth, that’s the truth HH had to confront before he could start to learn, that’s the truth that near every martial artist in the world has to face before he can learn the real martial arts, and before he can find out the truth about this deep, dark karate secret thing.

Feel free to visit Monster Martial Arts, pick up a free ebook, and find out if I might actually have something to offer. Have a great work out.

Win #10 A Great Win From The Old Master Instructor Course

The joy of this win is that it talks about concepts being at the heart of the matter. Learn a concept, and all the techniques come rolling out.

INSTRUCTOR WIN–The course has truly polished my existing approach to teaching. It’s helped balance some theory with application of instruction. Some specifics of keeping discipline in, but with emphasis on humor and politeness did tweak my train of thought a tad. This has already improved the discipline of the class, but yet maintains that fun pleasant atmosphere that I like to be part of. Also, the concept of getting a student to complete something gives a much more specific goal as an instructor. This way of thinking can be applied easily with a drill, or a belt, or even particular aspects of my life and the students. Generally, when something is true, it’s rather a simple concept and can be applied in different points in life. This is true with the information in this course.?WG The idea of concepts is core to learning any art, and to teaching any art. It is the heart of matrixing, but, oddly, I didn’t learn this through learning concepts, I learned it through cross filing techniques until the core concepts came out. It actually surprised me when I discovered that nobody else in the history of the world had done what I did with this matrixing thing.

You can find out more about Matrixing, and about core concepts and being a bona fide master instructor at Monster Martial Arts.

Win #5 If You Want to Start Your Own Martial Arts School Read This!

Here’s a lesson I gave a fellow, heh heh, after you watch it scroll down for the real skinny on starting your very own martial arts school.

I received this win out of the blue, and it knocked my socks off. I mean, I wrote articles for the mags, and had no idea that they were having effect. Well, they were…

Dear Mr. Case, ?Since the age of 11 have dreamed of having my own dojo.  I want to thank you for your ‘garage-dojo” article in August ’98.   After reading that article, I had no doubt that it was going to be a reality…?…I decided that it was time to give my own school a shot. I looked around for a rental–everything was so small, and I had no money in which to do this, this was July of ’98–in August I read your article, and it helped me understand that it wasn’t the walls and equipment my student would come for, it was me and how I handle and, taught my students. Simply, my skills mattered more than my age and rank, and if Bruce Lee taught in a garage—so could I.  So I took the cheapest rental I could find; I started my school with 1 kicking target a mat and four walls. Since opening day, Nov 16th 1998, I have moved to a larger location, now I have 12 kicking targets, 3 matts-and much more training equipment. I’m still a small dojo– but I don’t care to be too big, I’d rather keep it personal. I know the growth of each one of my students, and I have 3 black belt candidates with one that could test in the next year. To sum my progress up, in the past 6 years I have made a name for my dojo in the valley, and  I am a competitor for my old instructors school. Be sure to tell Andrew Wood that it isn’t your programs that wins the student, it’s your honesty, compassion for the student and your love of the martial arts…. PM?ps–I love your site: martial arts is about passing on your teachings, not holding back for an extra fee.

So if you feel like teaching, take the handcuffs off and start bashing! The only person that can stop you is you.

If you need any help in setting up a checklist for starting a martial arts school, or on how to teach, or anything at all, peruse

Take care and have a great work out!