Tag Archives: martial arts instructor

The Three Viewpoints an Karate Instructor Has To Have

Training a Karate Instructor is something nobody knows how to do. They either assume that the fellow knows how to teach because he has been studying a long time, or they put him through some kind of boot camp toughen up training. Both methods are absolutely lacking, and have nothing to with learning the precise methods of how to teach. Sad news is that I have seen almost no instructors, no matter how many belt ranks they give themselves, who actually know how to teach. Let me give you a win, then tell you the three things an instructor has to know.

‘When I was helping other students with Matrix Karate, and going through the matrix of blocks one-on-one with them being the attacker, I always had trouble fixing their blocks and stances that had something out of alignment.  I understand now that I had a hard time because I was in the action.  I think if I had been outside the action I would have been able to fix the problems more easily.’ Thanks for the knowledge, Al. Howard J.

The Instructor has to know the viewpoint of the dummy, because he has to know what the technique feels like. He also has to have the viewpoint of the attacker, because he has to know what to do. But a real instructor actually has to be both attacker and defender, and this is the third viewpoint.

Here’s is the tragedy, 90% of the people reading this say, ‘I knew that.’

No. I am not talking about ‘knowing about’ something, I am talking about a viewpoint of technique that enables you to actually permeate the space of both students, and actually be both students. The unfortunate truth is that no matter how many boot camps you attend, or how many years of experience or belt ranks you go up…the only place on the planet where you can learn to be both attacker and defender, while staying ‘outside the action’ is in the Master Instructor Course. No other school even talks about this, let alone understands it, let alone can get you to do it…but that is the secret of a good Karate Instructor, or of being able to instruct in any martial art.

If you want to learn how to be a karate instructor, or an instructor in any art, the principles of how to teach martial arts are the same, and they are listed exactly in The Master Instructor Course.

Win #44

Win #21–How a Good Martial Arts Instructor Keeps Students

This is from Wiley, who is one of the hard core Matrix Martial Arts Instructors.

…will lessen confusions for not just the student but the instructor as well…hence, the art will stick around for a while. Less confusion means more students.–WG

The point here is…where do the confusions come from? They come from what you don’t know. You see, when people become martial arts teachers, they learn the martial arts, but they don’t take classes on how to teach, or the physics involved in the martial arts, or about a thousand other things. Look, martial arts provides a great apprenticeship, but you need more. You need actual knowledge. That’s why the Master Instructor Course is selling likle hot cakes, and why people are blown out by it, and why it works so well. It tells you the physics of the universe, but from the martial arts point of view, and that changes people. So if you learn these physics, you can answer questions, not just say ’that’s what my instructor said to do,’ and, as a martial arts instructor, you’ll keep students.

I tell you, the guys who are using the data on this course are keeping students, and their schools are growing, and the economy doesn’t matter at all!

The Master Instructor Course