Category Archives: kenpo

Win #27–Beating Pain through Good Karate Technique

There are two types of pain: one is the warning that you are getting damaged, and the other is used to grow yourself.

If you are in danger of being damaged, back off. Fight again another day.

But, if you can appreciate pain, then you can use it.

When somebody blocks, breath into your tan tien, and send a flow of energy down the blocking arm. Make your arm tight. Let the energy become rigid. Now, something is going to happen…you have a decision to make.

If you decide to take the pain, it is going to hurt.

But, if you jump back, and make a decision that it’s not going to hurt, that the other guy is going to hurt himself…then it will be so.

Here’s a win from one of my students.

“I am more willing now to confront pain. Obviously pain is not a great thing but when it does occur I am more easily able to confront it and continue on with what I am doing. I don’t have to run away every time I experience a bit of pain.”

Look, it’s a decision, and it is one of those decisions that only Karate will bring you to.

So, do you want to experience pain? Or do you want to make up your mind that it doesn’t hurt…period.

Drop by my site and pick up a Free Karate Book, and learn more about such things as beating pain with good karate technique.

Win #23–Karate as a First Martial Art

I like Karate as a first art because it is solid in the basics. Later, when you have experience, it’s fun to twist the basics, create different types of energy, learn sneaky ways of bashing somebody. But, in the beginning, Karate is the best. Straightforward power that can out kick a donkey, out slam a gorilla, and is just plain fun!

If I had not learned this as my first art, I would not be where am today. The basics, the foundation; a solid point upon which to stand, was essential to me as a martial artist. Few people truly understand what the basics are, let alone how important they are. Karate taught me all of this and I finished the program with confidence that I could apply what I had learned.

It’s true that people don’t understand what basics are. Take a look at the Pan Gai Noon Sanchin form. Goku does it for breathing, Shotokan does it for technique, uechi does it for dynamic tension…and they all are only partially right. Ground the weight, turn on the tan tien, and put the energy in the hands. The other theories are all right, but they miss the boat if they don’t concentrate on these three principles, and just these three principles.

Here’s a vid snip of me teaching Sanchin to my son many years ago. Karate was his first martial art, and it saved his life. Literally. Take a look at the columns at Monster Martial Arts and you’ll come across the tale.

Talk to you later.


Win #21–How a Good Martial Arts Instructor Keeps Students

This is from Wiley, who is one of the hard core Matrix Martial Arts Instructors.

…will lessen confusions for not just the student but the instructor as well…hence, the art will stick around for a while. Less confusion means more students.–WG

The point here is…where do the confusions come from? They come from what you don’t know. You see, when people become martial arts teachers, they learn the martial arts, but they don’t take classes on how to teach, or the physics involved in the martial arts, or about a thousand other things. Look, martial arts provides a great apprenticeship, but you need more. You need actual knowledge. That’s why the Master Instructor Course is selling likle hot cakes, and why people are blown out by it, and why it works so well. It tells you the physics of the universe, but from the martial arts point of view, and that changes people. So if you learn these physics, you can answer questions, not just say ’that’s what my instructor said to do,’ and, as a martial arts instructor, you’ll keep students.

I tell you, the guys who are using the data on this course are keeping students, and their schools are growing, and the economy doesn’t matter at all!

The Master Instructor Course

Win #16–The Deep, Dark, Karate Secret

When I began the martial arts I thought there was some serious karate secret that the masters knew that nobody else did. If I could only find this secret I could have everything wanted: money, women, respect…maybe I wouldn’t even be a dweeb. Interestingly, there is a secret, but it ain’t what you think. And it is easy to find out. Just a little hard work and common sense, and anyone can have it. Here’s a win from one of my students about this dark mystery. Like many others, I used to like to believe that there was a great mystery out there; that there was some kind of unattainable power and wisdom that I could only reach for in my dreams. Mr. Case has taken my wonderful dark mystery away and replaced it with facts that work; that work beautifully actually. Truth is a good thing, but sometimes a rude awakening can be best avoided by a longer slumber. Which path you choose is up to you. Just remember to shield your eyes if you’re opening them for the first time; it can be bright and painful to the pride at first.” ?HH (12 years of martial arts experience) Now isn’t that interesting? It seems that the mystery is easy to understand, but what is hard to take is the fact that you were blind enough not to see it in the first place. Well, it is easy to see, but the thing that stops most everybody from seeing it is the fact that: 1) they think they know better. 2) my art is best. 3) I’m already studying under somebody who knows everything. And so on. The prime problem here, you see, is that you must be willing to learn before you can learn. Doing push ups and forms until you sweat is fine, but when are you going to work out that brain? When are you going to say…maybe I don’t know everything…maybe there is something else under the sun. When are you going to open up and accept data and actually think. I know it sounds like I’m in your face, but I’m not. I’m just stating something that scares most people. Shut up thinking you know everything and be willing to learn something. That’s the truth, that’s the truth HH had to confront before he could start to learn, that’s the truth that near every martial artist in the world has to face before he can learn the real martial arts, and before he can find out the truth about this deep, dark karate secret thing.

Feel free to visit Monster Martial Arts, pick up a free ebook, and find out if I might actually have something to offer. Have a great work out.

A Kid Gets Black Belts in Two Different Arts!

Man, I know, this looks like utterly shameless advertising, and I’ve got to admit that I like it, but…I ask people for wins after classes, but I don’t demand. After all, they either win or they don’t. The good news is that everybody gives me wins, and the permission to share them. The also good news is this…I didn’t tell Forrest what to say. Incidentally, he’s the kid I am disarming in the blinding steel video on my youtube channel. If you like the video snippet here, check out my youtube channel. Just type in aganzul on youtube and you’ll find me.

Before I started Al Case Martial Arts I was very shy and though not completely unable to fight, I didn’t really KNOW what I was doing. I had gone to a few other classes before Al’s. In one of these classes the first two hours was actually them teaching me to do a cart-wheel into a jump-kick(no joke). Though this can look very pretty, it really has little if any true application. I mean, I guess you could do a cart-wheel to get out of danger and then jump kick a random guy to your left. But then there’s always the question, “Why not just step to the side?” This is the kind of martial arts I like to call, “The Jump Kick Variety,” (the kind with little TRUE application.) So, as you may have guessed I stopped going to this class and began my search for something that could actually do SOMETHING. And sure enough I found it. And sure enough it could actually do something. In fact it taught me more in five minutes then all of the other classes I’ve ever taken. Within a year and a half I had Black Belts in TWO DIFFERENT ARTS!!! This was able to be done because Al Case has discovered some of the Basic/Basics that most instructors don’t REALLY EVEN KNOW. When I found out how and why I was doing certain moves, and what really made them work, It just put in the missing piece to making the martial arts really applicable! These are the things that the Best martial artists in the world JUST SIMPLY KNOW. But the only problem is that they don’t know how to teach it. Well, Al Case actually discovered the EXACT Technology on how to teach the martial arts so you can learn it fast and easily! As well as the real reason some things work and some don’t. And the real cause of failure in the martial arts. But the really amazing part about all this, is the amazingly LOW PRICE. I can promise that for the value of the knowledge and ability gained by one class alone, there is not a better system on EARTH.?FW

BTW, Forrest was fifteen or sixteen at the time, I believe. Thanks for reading.